William Huang MArch ’88 Accepts ULI Award on Behalf of City of Pasadena
On October 24, 2014, the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Tewillinger Center for Housing recognized the City of Pasadena, CA with the 2014 Ralph C. Larson Housing Policy Leadership Awards given for the nation’s most outstanding housing policy at its fall meeting in New York City. Pasadena’s recognition was based on its housing policy and programs which have resulted in the development of over 5,000 housing units in transit-oriented areas, including 1,370 units of affordable and workforce housing. Pasadena’s commitment to its housing vision, community engagement, and informed dialog has produced a highly integrated and effective mix of goals, policies, and programs for its 2014-2021 housing element plan. Specifically mentioned in the application were Pasadena’s Inclusionary Housing and Density Bonus Ordinances, fee waivers for affordable housing, PasadenaHousingSearch.com, and Project HOUSED, the City’s housing first program for the chronically homeless.
October 2014