GSD Faculty and Alumni Win 2024–25 Rome Prize
Four members of the Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD) community are among the 31 winners of the 2024–25 Rome Prize. Awarded annually by the American Academy in Rome (AAR), this prestigious fellowship includes a stipend, workspace, and room and board for up to ten months at the Academy’s campus, located on the Janiculum Hill in Rome, where recipients undertake advanced independent work and research in the arts and humanities.
Michelle Jaja Chang MArch ’09, current Assistant Professor of Architecture at the GSD, is the winner of the Arnold W. Brunner/Frances Barker Tracey/Katherine Edwards Gordon Rome Prize in Architecture. Chang focuses on the techniques and histories of architectural representation. Her project, to be explored during her time at the Academy, is titled Material Resistance to Symbolic Form.
Anthony Acciavatti MArch ’09, Diana Balmori Assistant Professor at the School of Architecture at Yale University and principal of Somatic Collaborative in New York City, is the recipient of the Gilmore D. Clarke and Michael Rapuano/Kate Lancaster Brewster Rome Prize in Landscape Architecture. Acciavatti works at the intersection of architecture, landscape, and the history of science and technology. His AAR project is titled Groundwater Earth: The World before and after the Tubewell.
Dan Spiegel MArch ’08 and Megumi Aihara MLA ’07 are the joint recipients of the Garden Club Prize of America/Prince Charitable Trusts Rome Prize in Landscape Architecture. The two are principals of the Spiegel Aihara Workshop (SAW), a San Francisco–based a design firm that operates at the intersection of architecture, landscape, and urban design. In addition, Spiegel is a Continuing Lecturer at the College of Environmental Design at the University of California, Berkeley. Spiegel and Aihara’s project at AAR is titled Landscapes of Fire.
“The Rome Prize is one of the most storied fellowship programs in the United States,” said AAR President Peter N. Miller, as quoted in the AAR’s recent announcement. “Over a thousand people compete for the chance to live and work in Rome, inspired by the city and one another. The Rome Prize winners represent a bridge between the United States and Italy, but also between a present of potential and a future of achievement.” This year’s Rome Prize recipients were selected from 1,106 applications (a record number), for an acceptance rate of 2.9 percent.
This story was originally published on the GSD website.
Updated May 8, 2024
posted May, 2024
Joaquín Pérez-Goicoechea MArch ’02 and Nasser B. Abulhasan MArch ’02/DDes ’07 Firm Wins Public Competition
AGi Architects, the design firm founded by Joaquín Pérez-Goicoechea MArch ’02 and Nasser B. Abulhasan MArch ’02/DDes ’07, won the public competition for the construction of an Elderly Care Facility & Day Center in La Rioja, Spain.
The design focuses on people, in their sense of belonging, autonomy and well-being. It is based on a sustainable architecture that minimizes its impact on the landscape, brings nature into the building, and fosters social, psychological and physical well-being.
Follow AGi Architects on Instagram.
posted April, 2023
Several Alumni Collaborate on newly published “Landscape Approach: From Local Communities to Territorial Systems”
“Landscape Approach: From Local Communities to Territorial Systems” edited by Hannes Zander MLA ’15, Shelagh McCartney DDes ’12, MDes ’07, Samantha Solano MLA ’16, and Sonja Vangjeli MLA ’16 has recently published by Applied Research & Design. The book promotes a landscape approach to understand and address complex interdependent issues of environmental change, ecological degradation, and socio-cultural inequalities. Through a variety of landscape-informed narratives, it aims to provide strategies which can help envision futures that are socially and environmentally just and sustainable.
“Landscape Approach” is the second book publication by the International Landscape Collaborative which formed at the GSD in 2016, a group of emerging scholars and practitioners who are interested in questions related to landscape and territory. The book features twenty-three essays from different geographic contexts across six continents, many of them written by GSD alums, and with a foreword by GSD Visiting Professor in Landscape Architecture Nina-Marie Lister.
posted April, 2023
The Opportunity Pavilion designed by Joaquín Pérez-Goicoechea MArch ’02 and Nasser B. Abulhasan MArch ’02/DDes ’07 at Expo 2020 Dubai
AGi architects, the design firm led by Joaquín Pérez-Goicoechea MArch ’02 and Nasser B. Abulhasan MArch ’02/DDes ’07, has designed the Mission Possible: The Opportunity Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai. This thematic pavilion encapsulates the concept of ‘Opportunity’: the idea that any action we take can create an impact; that anything is possible with a small step. It is conceived as a large plaza, providing continuity to the Opportunity District in which it is situated. The design builds on the rich urban history of the plaza throughout millennia, from Roman times to the modern-day – the concept of a plaza is universal and lends itself to multiple cultures, whether it is a piazza, Saha, common, or the town square. This universal urban language is important because the pavilion aims to be a platform for social and cross-cultural engagement.
Follow AGi Architects: @agi_architects
posted December, 2021
AGi Architects leaders Joaquín Pérez-Goicoechea MArch ’02 and Nasser B. Abulhasan MArch ’02/DDes ’07 recognized for completing Wafra Living project
AGi architects, the international design firm led by Joaquín Pérez-Goicoechea MArch ’02 and Nasser B. Abulhasan MArch ’02/DDes ’07, completed Wafra Living in Kuwait. This residential project proposes an innovative housing organization, a new type of multi-family living as a social response to housing needs in the country. The complex combines at different levels domestic and collective scales that are both private and public. It is composed of 16 types of living typologies distributed across five cores to cater to a variety of tenants. Wafra Living is socially driven, environmentally responsive, and behavior-conscious. This development has set an example of how to approach urban issues and redefining areas; thereby becoming a catalyst for the city’s future growth.
Follow AGi Architects: @agi_architects
posted December, 2021
Project Led by Chelina Odbert MUP ’07 Named Finalist for WRI Ross Center Prize for Cities
The Kibera Public Space Project (KPSP) has been named a finalist in the WRI Ross Center Prize for Cities. Convened by the World Resources Institute, The Prize for Cities is the premier global award celebrating and spotlighting transformative urban change. KPSP was selected as one of 5 finalists among 262 submissions from 54 countries. KPSP is designed and planned by Kounkuey Design Initiative (KDI), a non-profit design and community development firm co-founded and led by Chelina Odbert MUP ’07. A network of 11 public spaces across the informal settlement of Kibera, in Kenya, KPSP creates much-needed public space linked with other benefits, including economic development, public health, and water management.
More information on the project is available on the KDI website.
posted March, 2021
AGi Architects Directed by Joaquín Pérez-Goicoechea MArch ’02 and Nasser B. Abulhasan MArch ’02, DDes ’07 Awarded Second Prize for Madrid Railway Museum Design
AGi Architects, the firm of Joaquín Pérez-Goicoechea MArch ’02 and Nasser B. Abulhasan MArch ’02, DDes ’07, was recently awarded second prize in a public competition to restore and expand the Railway Museum in the former Madrid-Delicias Station.
Their project, “Machine Gallery,” envisions a space that goes beyond history by acting as a center of discussion, participation, and social communication. The project is available to view on the AGi website.
posted September, 2020
Non-Profit Led by José Juan Terrasa-Soler MLA ’07 Receives Grant to Bring Energy Resilience to Puerto Rico
José Juan Terrasa-Soler MLA ’07 is Executive Director of the non-profit Resilient Power Puerto Rico (RPPR) who have recently been awarded $194,000 to develop additional microgrids in the mountainous region of Puerto Rico. The North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation recently awarded RPPR as one of their grant recipients due to their efforts of proving energy in Puerto Rican communities. RPPR has been working since Hurricane María (September 2017) to develop energy resilience across the neediest communities in Puerto Rico, by deploying solar microgrids and promoting sustainable and locally-controlled sources of energy.
Thirty-five 25-kWhr microgrids have been installed at community centers all over the Puerto Rican islands, providing critical community service centers with renewable and reliable energy. RPPR has also partnered with Rocky Mountain Institute to develop an energy toolkit to help local organizations in their transition to renewable, resilient energy sources. A recent article in Scenario Journal recounts the story. José Juan is also Director at Marvel Architects in San Juan.
posted February, 2020
Harvard GSD Alumni from Puerto Rico Write Letter Protesting Against Land Use and Zoning Board
17 Harvard GSD Alumni from Puerto Rico have assembled as a group to protest the limited civic engagement and transparency in the reviewal process behind the adoption of significant and potentially detrimental changes to the island’s Zoning Maps, led by the Planning Board of Puerto Rico. Together, they wrote an open letter to María del C. Gordillo Pérez, chairwoman of the Planning Board.
The group is made up of the following alumni:
Pedro Manuel Cardona Roig MAUD ’91
Hugo Colón MLA ’13
Manuel Antonio Colón Amador MLA ’14
Irene Figueroa-Ortiz MUP & March I ’15
Nataniel Fúster MAUD ’96 & DDes ’99
Fabiola Guzmán Rivera March I ’18
Yanick Lay Fumero MLA ’18
Eduardo M. Llinás Messeguer MAUD ’13
Maria Victoria Mateo MLA ’11
Oscar Oliver Didier MAUD ’06
Judith Rodríguez MLA & MAUD ’13
Gabriella S. Rodríguez MLA & MAUD ’16
Ángel Y. Rodríguez Colón MAUD ’11
Joanna Rodriguez-Noyola MArch I ’14
Héctor Tarrido-Picart MAUD & MLA ’15
José Juan Terrasa Soler MLA ’07
Emmanuel Torres MAUD ’14
In the past months there was a recent upsurge in democratic mobilization to demand transparency and democracy in the way politics and business are conducted in Puerto Rico. This led to the recent resignation of Governor Ricardo Roselló and will likely lead to fundamental changes to the political and institutional structures of the Caribbean island.
While these mass civil protests were taking place, the Planning Board of Puerto Rico conducted most of the public hearings for first-time proposed major revisions to the Zoning Maps. In addition, the Planning Board failed to provide key information and a suitable timeline for a comprehensive examination by all the parties affected by the zoning changes, including the island’s 78 municipalities. Some of these zoning changes go against the interest of vulnerable communities, the ones most affected by hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017.
To read the letter in Spanish click here and for English click here
posted August, 2019
Dan Spiegel MArch ’08 and Meg Aihara MLA ’07 Named 2019 Design Vanguard by Architectural Record
Dan Spiegel MArch ’08 and Meg Aihara MLA ’07, co-founders of Spiegel Aihara Workshop (SAW), have been recognized as one of Architectural Record’s 2019 Design Vanguard recipients. In 2006, when Dan Spiegel and Megumi Aihara were dating, the fellow Harvard GSD students received the Penny White Prize, a traveling fellowship that allowed them to explore Paris together. For the research paper required by the grant, the couple analyzed the conversion of a 19th-century viaduct into the Coulée verte René- Dumont elevated park. “It was an opportunity to put together some ideas about how things change over a long period, sometimes unexpectedly,” Spiegel says of his and Aihara’s first collaboration. As cofounders of San Francisco–based studio Spiegel Aihara Workshop (SAW), the 38-year-olds create environments that support and even welcome diverse outcomes over time.
After Spiegel and Aihara graduated from the GSD with degrees, respectively, in architecture and landscape architecture, Spiegel began devising a Menlo Park, California, residence for his parents while Aihara worked full-time for other firms, pitching in on the 4,500-square-foot house on nights and weekends. The partners married that same year, and Aihara joined SAW full-time in 2014, when the studio was tapped to design a 650-square-foot expansion of a Depression-era house tucked into a Golden Gate Heights hillside. Since then, SAW’s growing team—the office now numbers eight—has incorporated unscripted experiences into its definition of design excellence in earnest.
Spiegel Aihara Workshop
PRINCIPALS: Megumi Aihara, Dan Spiegel
EDUCATION: Aihara: Harvard Graduate School of Design, MLA, 2007; Brown University, A.B. Visual Arts, 2002. Spiegel: Harvard Graduate School of Design, MArch., 2008; Stanford University, B.A. Public Policy, 2003
WORK HISTORY: Aihara: Andrea Cochran Landscape Architecture, 2011–14; Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, 2005–11. Spiegel: Peter Rose + Partners, 2008–11; Architecture Research Office, 2003–04
KEY COMPLETED PROJECTS: Casper Labs, San Francisco, 2017; A-to-Z House, San Francisco, 2016; Low/Rise House, Menlo Park, California, 2013
KEY CURRENT PROJECTS: Casper Labs Phase II (with ARO), San Francisco; Kauhikoa Farm Residence, Haiku, Hawaii; Mobile Barber Shop (with Mobile Office Architects), various locations; Same House, San Francisco
Photos courtesy by Spiegel Aihara Workshop
posted June, 2019
Exhibition Curated by Sae Kim MAUD ’12 and Featuring GSD Alumni/Faculty Opens at BSA Space
Balancing Act: Urbanism & Emerging Technologies, curated by Sae Kim MAUD ’12, is on view at the BSA Space through September 27, 2019. The exhibition looks at ways in which human-centered technology can have a positive impact on our urban experience. “With cities undergoing remarkable change, there is an urgency to find the balance between technology and urban life,” states the exhibition text. Kim currently serves as Associate Principal at Boston-based design firm CBT.
The show also features a number of GSD-affiliated contributors, including:
- Jennifer Birkeland MLA ’11
- Elizabeth Christoforetti MArch ’09
- Greg Chung Whan Park March ’11
- Jonathan Scelsa MAUD ’11
- Andres Sevtsuk, Assistant Professor of Urban Planning, Harvard GSD
- Andrew Witt MArch ’07, MDes ’02, Assistant Professor in Practice in Architecture, Harvard GSD
- Kaz Yoneda MArch ’11
A Curator Tour will take place on Thursday, June 27, 2019, 6:00 PM 8:00 PM.
posted June, 2019
Firm of Joaquín Pérez-Goicoechea MArch ’02 and Nasser B. Abulhasan MArch ’02, DDes ’07 Completes Iconic Residence in Kuwait
AGi architects, the firm founded by Joaquín Pérez-Goicoechea MArch ’02 and Nasser B. Abulhasan MArch ’02, DDes ’07, has completed Rock House, a single-family home located in Abdulla Al-Salem, Kuwait. At the client’s request, the residence’s design serves two purposes: providing maximum privacy to its inhabitants while also brining an iconic new structure to the neighborhood. “The building’s structure is composed of reinforced concrete formed similarly to a folded origami, and the structure rotates around itself creating a central courtyard from which all the spaces in the house are turned towards,” states the project brief.
Photography by Nelson Garrido, courtesy of AGi architects.
posted October, 2018
Alumni Honored by Exhibit Columbus with Research Fellowships, Miller Prize, Washington Street Civic Project Leaders
Alumni across disciplines are being honored by this year’s Exhibit Columbus, an annual exploration of Columbus, Indiana’s architecture, art, design, and community.
Marshall Prado MArch ’11, MDes ’12 and Etien Santiago MArch ’11, PhD ’19 each received 2018-19 University Design Research Fellowships, created to “showcase current research by leading professors of architecture and design and highlight innovative research exploring ways that architecture and design can improve people’s lives and make cities stronger.”
Of the five firms honored with a 2018-19 J. Irwin and Xenia S. Miller Prize, four are led by GSD alumni:
- MASS Design Group, co-founded by Alan Ricks MArch ’10 and Michael Murphy MArch ’11;
- Frida Escobedo Studio, founded by Frida Escobedo MDes ’12;
- SO-IL, led by Florian Idenburg, Jing Liu, and Ilias Papageorgiou MArch ’08; and
- Agency Landscape + Planning, led by Gina Ford MLA ’03 and Brie Hensold MUP ’07
Each firm was selected for “their commitment to the transformative power that architecture, art, and design have to improve people’s lives and make cities stronger.”
Two organizations led by GSD alumna, LA-Más and Borderless Studio, were selected as Washington Street Civic Project Leaders, an award provided to five mission-driven organizations that use “architecture, art, and design to improve people’s lives, connect communities, and catalyze efforts to make cities more equitable and sustainable.” LA-Más is co-directed by Elizabeth Timme MArch ’10, founder and Co-Executive Director, and Helen Leung MPP/UP ’11, Co-Executive Director, and Borderless Studio is led by Paola Aguirre MAUD ’11.
Photos courtesy of Exhibit Columbus.
posted September, 2018
Anh Nguyen MArch ’07 and Partner Win Innovation Competition with Space Colonization Concept
A space colonization concept by Anh Nguyen MArch ’07 and Shawn Chinudomsub of IDAS, Inc. has won the inaugural Joan B. Calambokidis Innovation in Masonry Competition in the architectural/engineering firm category. Their design for a hexagonal masonry unit suitable for assembly in space can be made with indigenous materials and simple hand tools. The award, sponsored by International Masonry Institute (IMI), recognizes former IMI President Joan B. Calambokidis, who retired in 2017.
Winners gathered at an awards ceremony hosted by the awards sponsor, the International Masonry Institute (IMI), and the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers (IUBAC) in Miami, Florida on March 6, 2018. (Nguyen (far left) poses with other award winners and Joan B. Calambokidis, former IMI President (center).)
Images provided.
posted March, 2018
AGi Architects, Firm of Joaquín Pérez-Goicoechea MArch ’02, Nasser B. Abulhasan MArch ’02, DDes ’07, Completes Nirvana Home; Launches New Website
AGi Architects, the firm of Joaquín Pérez-Goicoechea MArch ’02 and Nasser B. Abulhasan MArch ’02, DDes ’07, recently completed Nirvana Home, a 6,000 sqm private residential project in Mesillah, Kuwait. According to the project brief, “inside Nirvana Home, little by little, step by step, the horizon and the sea begin to dominate and the building is marked by a formidable diagonal that displaces matter so as to reach maximum transparency, allowing rooms on different façades to look towards the sea. This strategy generates a string of empty spaces that become three-dimensional courtyards holding gardens at different heights and acting as shared spaces for parents and children.”
The firm also recently launched a new website and corporate image.
Photos by Fernando Guerra. Plan provided.
posted February, 2018
Wind Tower by AGi architects, Joaquín Pérez-Goicoechea MArch ’02, Nasser B. Abulhasan MArch ’02, DDes ’07, won Sustainable Project of the Year at Middle East Architect Awards
AGi Architects, the international design firm founded in 2006 by Joaquín Pérez-Goicoechea MArch ’02 and Nasser B. Abulhasan MArch ’02, DDes ’07, have won the Sustainable Project of the Year at Middle East Architect Awards with the Wind Tower, the first mid-rise housing project in Kuwait. The project, Wind Tower, responds to increasing demands for land in the city by reinterpreting the single-family dwelling typology, utilizing verticality to allow residents to enjoy privacy while also taking advantage of the building’s prime location.
In addition, Joaquín Pérez-Goicoechea MArch ’02 and Nasser B. Abulhasan MArch ’02, DDes ’07 were Highly Commended for Principal of the Year while the design firm was shortlisted in the Large Architecture Firm of the Year category.
According to Abulhasan, principal and co-founder of AGi architects, “the whole AGi architects team is very proud of the award granted to Wind Tower, a contemporary building that respects the traditional way of living of Kuwaiti society, and is committed to sustainability, as this award recognizes”.
Learn more about Wind Tower.
Full press release click here.
Image Courtesy of AGi Architects
posted December, 2017
Alumni Bring Solar Power to Puerto Rico; Featured in Architectural Record, Miami Herald
A team of GSD alumni are involved in Resilient Power Puerto Rico, a project launched after Hurricane Maria to bring solar generators to the most under-served areas of the island with the long-term goal of promoting solar electric energy for every household in Puerto Rico. Jonathan Marvel MArch ’86 (Project Co-founder and Director of Logistics and Installation), Walter Meyer MLAUD ’03 (Project Co-founder and Strategy Director), Jennifer Bolstad AB ’98, MLA ’02 (Project Co-founder and Director of Administration and Finances), and José Juan Terrasa-Soler MLA ’07 (Director at Marvel Architects San Juan, Puerto Rico) are members of the Resilient Power Puerto Rico team, which operates under the nonprofit Coastal Marine Resource Center. Their work has been featured in a number of news outlets, including Architectural Record, the Miami Herald, AIA blog (interview with Marvel), the Architect’s Newspaper, and the Huffington Post.
In October, Terrasa-Soler participated in the GSD event “Hurricane Maria and Puerto Rico: Lessons for Future Urban Disasters,” moderated by Jerold S. Kayden AB ’75, JD ’79, MCRP ’79, Frank Backus Williams Professor of Urban Planning and Design, and organized by the Department of Urban Planning & Design, the MDes – Risk & Resilience concentration, and the course “Land Use and Environmental Law.”
Photo courtesy of Jonathan Marvel via AIA.
posted November, 2017
Alumni Work Recognized with 2017 ASLA Professional Awards
The work of Harvard University Graduate School of Design alumni is well represented in this year’s American Society of Landscape Architects Professional Awards, which recognize the best of landscape architecture from the United States and around the world. Winners received their awards at the ASLA Annual Meeting and EXPO in Los Angeles last October. Those honored include:
Honor Awards
Andrea Cochran MLA ’79, Megumi Aihara MLA ’07 (Windhover Contemplative Center)
Mikyoung Kim MLA ’92 (Chicago Botanic Garden: The Regenstein Learning Campus)
Award of Excellence
Andrea Cochran MLA ’79, Lin Peng MLA ’12 (Birmingham Residence)
Honor Award
Andrea Cochran MLA ’79 (Telegraph Hill Residence)
Stephen Stimson MLA ’87 (Northeast Harbor, a Restoration on Mount Desert Island)
Reed Hilderbrand LLC Landscape Architecture, led by by Principals Gary Hilderbrand MLA ’85 and Douglas Reed MLA ’81 (Proving Grounds – A 20-Year Education in American Horticulture; Agrarian Modern – The Recovery and Renewal of Manatuck Farm)
Bruce Jett MLA ’92 (Northpoint Apartments)
Honor Award
Charlotte Barrows MLA ’06 (The Olana Strategic Landscape Design Plan: Restoring an American Masterpiece)
Leo Alvarez MLA ’81, Ralph Johnson MArch ’73 (Waterfront Botanical Gardens)
Reed Hilderbrand LLC Landscape Architecture, led by by Principals Gary Hilderbrand MLA ’85 and Douglas Reed MLA ’81 (Conservation at the Edge – Prototyping low-intervention conservation in the Patagonian wilderness)
Gordon Gill MArch ’93 (Positioning Pullman)
Katharyn Leah Hurd MLAUD ’12 (Texas Capitol Complex Master Plan)
Charles Birnbaum LF ’98 (The Landscape Architecture of Lawrence Halprin)
More information, including the full list of 2017 winners.
Photo: Windhover Contemplative Center at Stanford University, Andrea Cochran Landscape Architecture.
posted November, 2017
Joaquín Pérez-Goicoechea MArch ’02, Nasser B. Abulhasan MArch ’02, DDesS ’07 of AGi Architects Complete Residential Tower in Kuwait
AGi Architects, the international design firm founded in 2006 by Joaquín Pérez-Goicoechea MArch ’02 and Nasser B. Abulhasan MArch ’02, DDesS ’07, has completed its first mid-rise housing project in Kuwait. The project, Wind Tower, responds to increasing demands for land in the city by reinterpreting the single family dwelling typology, utilizing verticality to allow residents to enjoy privacy while also taking advantage of the building’s prime location.
Learn more about Wind Tower.
Image Courtesy of AGi Architects
posted August, 2017
AGi architects, led by Joaquín Pérez-Goicoechea MArch ’02 and Nasser B. Abulhasan MArch ’02, DDesS ’07, Selected for Project in Spain
“In Natura Veritas” by AGi architects, the international design firm founded in 2006 by Joaquín Pérez-Goicoechea MArch ’02 and Nasser B. Abulhasan MArch ’02, DDesS ’07, has been selected for the renovation and muesalization of 18 Galician-Roman sites in Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain.
The proposal takes as its starting point the intrinsic nature of this place: the creation of a space for the preservation of memory in a natural environment chosen as a living place hundreds of years ago. As a natural museum, it recreates the memory of landscape through the maintenance, consolidation and recovery of the lost native vegetation.
An abstract system composed of different layers is established with the intention of transferring ad hoc knowledge for each of the sites, integrating them into a unique network for the interpretation of the Galician archaeological landscape.
Read the full press release.
Image provided courtsey of AGi architects.
posted February, 2017
Alums Named to Impact Design Hub’s 40 Under 40
Mia Scharphie MLA ’13 and Theresa Hwang MArch ’07 were named as Social Impact Design 40 Under 40 by Impact Design Hub. The list recognizes some of the brightest young minds working to design for social good.
posted January, 2017
Julie Kaufman MArch ’07 wins Rotch Prize, Jennifer Ly MArch ’14 Runner-Up
Julie Kaufman MArch ’07 is the winner of the Rotch Prize. Kaufman, who works for BIG in New York, was last year’s runner-up. This year’s runner-up, Jennifer Ly MArch ’14, currently works for David Adjaye. Although many women have been awarded the Rotch Prize in the past, this is the first year where they have had women take both winner and runner-up places.
April 2015
posted December, 2016
Joaquin Perez-Goicoechea MArch ’02 and Nasser Abulhasan MArch ’02, DDes ’07 Firm Awarded Prizes
AGi architects, led by Joaquin Perez-Goicoechea MArch ’02 and Nasser Abulhasan MArch ’02, DDes ’07, received three prizes and an honorable mention at the Middle East Architect Awards (MEAA) on November 25, 2015. Read more and see renderings of the winning designs and awards: Residential Project of the Year for “Scenic House,” Boutique Firm of the Year, Architects of the year, and the “highly commended” “Qatar Courthouse.”
November 2015
posted December, 2016
Joaquin Perez-Goicoechea MArch ’02 and Nasser Abulhasan MArch ’02, DDesS ’07 Firm Nominated for Mies van der Rohe Award
“La Ascensión del Señor” Church in Seville, Spain by AGi architects—the firm of Joaquin Perez-Goicoechea MArch ’02 and Nasser Abulhasan MArch ’02, DDesS ’07—has been nominated for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture, Mies van der Rohe Award 2015. It is the official architecture prize of the European Union. For each two-year period, nominations are submitted for the Jury’s consideration by an independent group of experts. This project was recently recognized with the World Architecture Festival (WAF) Award 2014 in the Completed Buildings Religion category, announced in early October in Singapore.
December 2014
posted December, 2016
AGi architects, led by Joaquín Pérez-Goicoechea MArch ’02 and Nasser B. Abulhasan MArch ’02, DDesS ’07, Shortlisted for WAF 2015 Awards
AGi architects, the international design firm founded in 2006 by Joaquín Pérez-Goicoechea MArch ’02 and Nasser B. Abulhasan MArch ’02, DDesS ’07 announced that two of their projects have been shortlisted for WAF 2015 Awards. The Ali Mohammed T. Al-Ghanim Clinic will compete in the Completed Buildings Health category while Qatar Courthouse will compete in the Future Project Competition category.
June 2015
posted December, 2016
José Juan Terrasa-Soler MLA ’07 Published Chapter in “Revising Green Infrastructure: Concepts between Nature and Design”
José Juan Terrasa-Soler MLA ’07 just published book chapter titled “The Caribbean Landscape Cyborg: Designing Green Infrastructure for La Parguera, Puerto Rico.” It is Chapter 20 of the book Revising Green Infrastructure: Concepts between Nature and Design, released on November 6, 2014 by CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, London. The book is a review of contemporary ideas on green infrastructure theory and design, with examples from across the globe. More information and the table of contents are available here.
November 2014
posted December, 2016
Zaneta Hong MLA ’07 Named Editor of “Platform 8”
Zaneta Hong MLA ’07, lecturer in Landscape Architecture at the GSD, will be the editor of Platform 8, to be released in Fall 2015. In the coming weeks and throughout the summer, she will work closely with a team of GSD students to produce Platform 8 and the related Spring 2016 exhibition. Since joining the GSD faculty in 2012, Hong has been named a Daniel Urban Kiley Fellow and received a Certificate of Teaching Excellence from the Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning.
Along with Michael Leighton Beaman, she is curator of the exhibit, Landformation Catalogue, on view in the Loeb Library through May 15th. Hong graduated from the GSD’s Landscape Architecture program in 2007, prior to which she studied at the Rhode Island School of Design and Cornell University. Before her GSD appointment, she was a lecturer in Architecture and Landscape Architecture at the University of Virginia School of Architecture and the Materials Lab Curator at the University of Texas, Austin School of Architecture, where she initiated, designed, and developed the online materials website and database along with the Advanced Materials Research Lab and Gallery.
posted December, 2016
Nasser B. Abulhasan MArch ’02, DDes ’07 and Joaquin Perez-Goicoechea MArch ’02 Awarded Prize
Nasser B. Abulhasan MArch ’02, DDes ’07 and Joaquin Perez-Goicoechea MArch ’02 of AGi architects were awarded second prize in the Mashhad City Complex competition in Iran in collaboration with the local firm Shift Process Practice. More than 100 design firms submitted their resumes to this competition. A list of 35 was chosen after the assessment. After interviews and visits, a shortlist of 10 was selected to develop their proposals. More information including the press kit of Mashhad City Complex can be found in their press room.
May 2016
posted December, 2016
Genevieve Baudoin MArch ’07 Publishes Book, “Interpreting Site: Studies in Perception, Representation, and Design”
Genevieve Baudoin MArch ’07, Assistant Professor in Architecture at Kansas State University, published the book Interpreting Site: Studies in Perception, Representation, and Design, through Routledge Press on June 8, 2015. The book considers the relationship between site and architecture through its representation and artifact, examining the methods architects employ in the process of design. More information and the table of contents are available here.
posted December, 2016
R. Steven Lewis LF ’07 Named by AIA to College of Fellows
R. Steven Lewis LF ’07 has been elevated by the American Institute of Architects (AIA) to its prestigious College of Fellows for 2016. “The Fellowship program was developed to elevate those architects who have made a significant contribution to architecture and society and who have achieved a standard of excellence in the profession. Election to fellowship not only recognizes the achievements of architects as individuals, but also their significant contribution to architecture and society on a national level.” The 2016 Fellows will be honored during a ceremony at the 2016 National AIA Convention.
February 2016
posted December, 2016