David Buckley Borden MLA ’11 Selected as Fuller Design Fellow
David Buckley Borden MLA ’11 has been appointed the Fuller Design Fellow at the Fuller Initiative for Productive Landscapes (FIPL) for a third and final year at the University of Oregon. The funded design-research appointment enables Borden to document, exhibit, and publish his three-year interdisciplinary collaboration with FIPL and the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, where he has been a Long-Term Ecological Research designer-in-residence since 2021. Borden’s initial exhibition and public talk about his landscape-ecology initiative in the Pacific Northwest will take place at the College of Forestry, Oregon State University on November 9, 2023. The exhibition and public talk will feature a series of collaborative landscape-futures work, some of which was featured in this fall’s Arnodia, the Arnold Arboretums’ quarterly journal. Learn more about David work on his website.
Follow David on Instagram.