students working in the trays

“Support from GSD alumni and friends provides the next generation of design leaders with the resources to succeed here at school and well into the future. Together, we strive to shepherd our world toward a resilient, just, and beautiful tomorrow.”

–Sarah M. Whiting, Dean and Josep Lluís Sert Professor of Architecture

We construct the world around us. That’s a hefty charge, but it’s also an extraordinarily exciting and urgent one. At the GSD, students and faculty unite in astonishing ways to address the complexities faced by people, cities, and ecologies around the globe.

Many of the issues we face today—climate change, affordable housing, social equity, mobility, infrastructure, and the impact of technology—need critical and creative thinking to reimagine how we engage with the world around us; this is the role of a designer.

We seek partners who share our belief that thoughtful, sustainable, and inclusive design has the capacity to impact the way we live, work, and interact. As each new generation of graduates takes on tomorrow’s unprecedented challenges, your investment today will have an impact that resonates for generations to come.

To discuss giving opportunities, please contact Courtney Ward, Managing Director of Development.