Peter Walker MLA ’57 Receives Inaugural Richard Brettell Award in the Arts
Peter Walker MLA ’57, FASLA – Senior Founding Partner of PWP Landscape Architecture – is the inaugural recipient of the 2017 Richard Brettell Award in the Arts at The University of Texas at Dallas. Honoring an artist “whose body of work demonstrates a lifetime of achievement in their field,” the bi-annual award includes a week’s residency at UT Dallas, as well as a monetary prize. With a career spanning over five-decades in the field, Walker is known for his transformative designs including the National September 11 Memorial. He also designed the ongoing campus enhancement plan at UT Dallas.
“I am extremely honored to receive the Brettell Award in the Arts,” said Walker. “I am grateful to the University, Professor Brettell and our great patron, Margaret McDermott. Working on the campus over the years has been one of the most gratifying experiences of my career.”
Read more here.
Photo courtsey of PWP Landscape Architecture.