Steve Calhoun MLA ’71 Creates Memorable Contributions to Australia
Steve Calhoun MLA ’71 is featured in this article on Domain.
“While many don’t know who he is, Steve Calhoun MLA ’71 is one of Australia’s most influential landscape architects and went to Melbourne on a one-year contract in the 1970s, fortuitously stayed on for 43 years not only as one of the first academically trained (Harvard) professional landscape architects in the country, but he helped set up the country’s first landscape architecture course at Melbourne’s RMIT.
While Steve Calhoun says that before he starts work on any project he can stand in the place and “see” the finished product – “I actually can’t not see it” – his drawings have the quality of abstract artworks and his creative methodology is more making art than designating the hard paving and seedling placements of projects in development. He says most of his still daily business agenda comes down to “playing” with “some real work in it too”.
One of the most protracted of Calhoun’s projects is the Tarrawarra art gallery and vineyard in Victoria’s magnificent Yarra Valley. He began working on it 34 years ago when it was a treeless former dairy farm. Some other projects of his include the Parliamentary Triangle, Domaine Chandon and the MCH, The Tennis Centre and Olympic Park all in Australia. “
Creating Memorable Places and Experiences by Steve Calhoun is published by Tract. RRP: is available through