Veronica Peitong Chen MArch ’21, MDes ’21 Leads Design for New Adobe Firefly Launch
Veronica Peitong Chen MArch ’21, MDes ’21 has taken her innovative design skills to new heights with her work with Adobe. As a trailblazer in the field, she led the design of Adobe Firefly, the most successful beta launch in Adobe’s history. Through her expertise in defining generative AI design patterns and advocating for an equitable approach, Chen bridged the intersection between design and emerging technologies. With Firefly, users generated 3 billion images in 6 months and leveraged generative AI easily across their creative process in other Creative Cloud Suite products. Her work also impacted Harvard’s Generative AI guidance and policy, and Chen’s design approach and commitment to reimagining the creative process continue to make an impact in the industry.
For more about Peitong’s work, visit her Adobe Profile.
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