
4:30 pm - 7:00 pm (EST)


  • Design Miami Tent
  • Meridian Ave at 19th Street
  • Miami
  • FL

Mark Lee MArch ’95, the newly appointed Chair of the Department of Architecture, will speak at DesignMiami/ on December 5. The talk, titled “The Architectural and Design Patronage of Dominique and John Menil” will feature a panel discussion between Mark, William Middleton, Wendy Goodman, and Francois de Menil. Mark and Sharon Johnston MArch ’95, his partner and GSD Professor in Practice, recently debuted the Menil Drawing Institute in Houston, TX. Click here to read more about the building and Mark and Sharon’s work at the GSD. As fellow GSD alumni, we invite you to attend this panel and show your support by welcoming Mark Lee to Miami.

Following the discussion, we are offering a guided tour of the fair, the premier venue for collecting, exhibiting, discussing and creating collectible design, led by April Magen, Director of Global Partnerships for DesignMiami/. This tour will meet at DesignMiami/ gift shop at 6:00 p.m. after the panel concludes.

Date: Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Time: Talk from 4:30-5:30 p.m., Tour at 6:00 p.m. meeting outside Gift Shop

DesignMiami/ Tent
Meridian Avenue & 19th Street
Adjacent to the Miami Beach Convention Center
Miami Beach, FL 33139

This event is hosted by Alumni Council member Jaya Kader MArch ’88. For more information on DesignMiami/ please click here.