
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm (EST)

Five recent GSD graduates walked attendees through their transition from education to full-time work. Sharing experiences of entering new work scenarios while pushing the boundaries to preserve intellectual rigor and artistic and discipline-specific knowledge.

Attendees learned about creating a work-life balance in new cities and outside of the halls of Gund.

Whether an idealist or a pragmatist, pondering the questions and challenges of life after the GSD together with peers is a gift of graduate studies to be preserved and continued.

Dylan Anslow MLA ’20, Greenworks, Portland, OR
Charuvi Begwani MUP ’22, WSP, Washington D.C.
Damian Bolden MArch ’22, Machado Silvetti, Boston, MA
Panharith Ean MArch ’20, Slalom, New York, NY
Whytne Stevens MUP ’22, McAfee3 Architects, Atlanta, GA

Sponsored by the GSD Alumni Council’s Student Alumni Exchange Committee (SA/X), the Office of Career Services, and the Office of Development and Alumni Relations.