
10:30 am - 12:00 pm (EST)

reggievill photos

The tour of UT Southwestern’s Medical Campus has been postponed, however we are able to offer a different tour, same timing, led by Reggie Graham MArch ’78. The tour will include his very unique and interesting collection of historic buildings re-purposed as modern office space.  The afternoon will conclude with an informal lunch at a nearby restaurant.

The ongoing development is comprised of 17 historic buildings (both finished and unfinished) on 4.2 acres on the East side of Downtown Dallas.  Reggie has worked painstakingly over 35 years on the rehabilitation of each building one structure at a time, and has created some of the most interesting creative office spaces in North Texas.  Come take a tour with Reggie and experience his pioneering effort, and life’s work, transforming the eastern edge of downtown into an eclectic loft environment with emphasis on high design and lifestyle workspace within some Dallas’ most iconic structures.  Reggie literally holds the trademark for “Office space for creative companies” and his work attracts tenants who can’t imagine themselves anywhere else.

Date: Saturday, March 10, 2018
Time: 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
NEW Location: 2130 Commerce Street Dallas, TX  75201
This event is organized by Paris Rutherford MAUD ’93. This is the third installment of GSD North Texas Alumni’s Hard Hat Tour Program, the first tour was 101 Center in Arlington and the second was the Village of Rowlett.