Empower Students to Design Outside the Lines
Through a transdisciplinary course of study with global reach, the GSD is training the next generation of design leaders to think collaboratively, cultivate creativity, and design outside the lines.
Complex global challenges cannot be solved with a single perspective or by a single discipline. Design brings together disparate fields through collaborative interrogation and creation. The GSD continually reaches beyond our core disciplines and geographic borders to broaden the scope of design knowledge and inspire our talented students.
The potential of our students is unmatched, but the resources to support them are not. Financial aid remains an area of critical need for the School. You can directly support students through a gift to the GSD Fund. Your contribution allows students to get the most out of the GSD’s unrivaled academic and extracurricular opportunities. Join the Grounded Visionaries campaign with a gift to the GSD before June 30 and invest in a creative future of designing outside the lines.
Make a gift.
Presidential Match Challenge: Harvard University recognizes the importance of graduate school financial aid support and will match every dollar raised up to $550K to the GSD Fund. Make your gift to the GSD Fund by June 30, 2018, and your contribution will be doubled by this Harvard University presidential match.
Want to learn more? Check out student photo essays chronicling recent studio travel, browse some of the GSD’s most popular concurrent degree programs, or meet the first two Master in Design Engineering cohorts.