FLYing H

November 2018

Dear Fellow GSD AMDP Alumni,

As graduates of the Advanced Management Development Program at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design, our personal and professional lives were affected by the stimulating ideas and concepts that we explored during our time at the GSD. I hope you also created lasting business relationships and friendships. Recent survey results show AMDP graduates are the happiest among GSD graduates.

When many of us return to Harvard each July, we enjoy a series of events that keep us engaged in the conversation of knowledge, understanding, and perspective. While we may have invested our own resources in the Program and ongoing engagement activities, it is time for our community to give back to the institution that supports the activities from which we benefit.

Today, I am asking you to join me and many of your classmates in making an annual contribution of $1,000 (or more) to the GSD. A contribution of this size welcomes you to the Sert Council, the GSD’s annual leadership giving society. This important group of donors receives invitations to events and various other special opportunities.

Thank you for considering joining the Sert Council. We are proud to be AMDP graduates, and this is a positive way to impact our interaction with the GSD.

I look forward to seeing you at an AMDP event soon. I hope you have saved the date for our 2019 Alumni Program on July 17-19, 2019.

Thank you,

scott signature




D. Scott McLain, CCIM
M: 256.656.4484 | E: [email protected]


P.S. If you have any questions about supporting the GSD, please contact Courtney Ward in the office of Development and Alumni Relations: [email protected]

