Cornelia Hahn Oberlander BLA ’47 Honored for Landscape Architecture Practice
At 98, a pioneering Canadian landscape architect is getting her place on the Mount Rushmore of her profession. Cornelia Hahn Oberlander BLA ’47, an acclaimed practitioner and an innovator in playgrounds, green design and rooftop landscapes, has become the first Canadian to be named as a Distinguished Member of the International Honor Society of Landscape Architecture, Sigma Lambda Alpha. Cornelia Hahn Oberlander will be recognized for her 70-year record of landscape projects in North America as well as her scholarly activities, including writing national playground guidelines that helped shape the design of dozens of naturalistic children’s play spaces across Canada. Cornelia will receive the award during a Canadian Society of Landscape Architects (CSLA) Congress in Vancouver on May 7. She’s among only a handful of women to gain Distinguished Member status since the award was established in 1979.
Cornelia was co-nominated this year by Robert Corry, a professor of landscape architecture at the University of Guelph, which hosts the group’s sole Canadian chapter, and by Robert Brown, University Professor Emeritus at the University of Guelph and a professor of landscape architecture at Texas A&M University.
Corry was thrilled to learn that the Vancouver-based practitioner had been chosen, saying that the recognition puts her in the company of celebrated landscape architects like Garrett Eckbo, Roberto Burle-Marx, and Bill Johnson. “It’s like getting your face on the Mount Rushmore of landscape architecture. Cornelia has her place among other legends,” said the U of G professor, explaining that Hahn Oberlander has influenced numerous landscape architects and students across Canada. “This honour recognizes her as one of the best landscape architects in the world.”
For the full press release, click here.